About Me

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I am a student at Full Sail University seeking a masters of science degree in Education Media and Design Technology.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Here is a One-Minute-Movie I created as a commercial for the Web 2.0 Tool Electro City:

Friday, August 12, 2011

BP6 Stephanie Waldner's Blog

Another classmate of mine, Stephanie, created a mini video using the iMovie on her computer. The use of iMovie to capture and create memorable moments in life is awesome.

Follow this link to my comment.

BP4 Electro City

     In my search to find a Web 2.0 Tool that I can use in conjunction with my CBR project I located an AWESOME tool called Electro City. This is a FREE learning tool that can be used by teachers and students to help teach the concept of energy, sustainability, and environmental management. The students can create their own city and decide on various aspects such as tourism, budget, coal and gas production, supply and demand, and much, much more! 

This tool comes with teacher resources and Fact Sheets that give more direction to potential projects. For example in teaching about the Ocean this tool can be used to show how the ocean produces energy. 

They give teacher ideas on how to use the tool in the class. It is web based, but for schools that may have an issue with connection there is a downloadable limited version that runs on ANY computer without Internet access. In the life of a teacher FREE is always good, but FREE, EFFECTIVE, and INTERACTIVE… even better! 

Registration as a teacher gives a Teacher’s Code to be used by the students. Whenever the students finish a game they enter the code to associate the game with you!

Okay… So I tried it and I LOVE IT!!!! I actually got a grade on how well my city ran… AMAZING. I mean think about you give the assignment, the kids work on making a bustling city in “150 turns”, the site grades the city, and lastly the kids can compete against others in the school and even throughout the website.

Electro City http://www.electrocity.co.nz

Thursday, August 11, 2011

PE1 iMovie

      Prior to beginning at Full Sail my fiance bought me a nice video camcorder. It wasn't the fancy DVD recording one; it was a step back. The camera recorded video onto a small tape. I absolutely loved my camcorder. The only problem was I had no clue how to save my videos. All I have is a stack of tapes that I can watch when I plug the camcorder up to my TV.
      When I began watching the iMovie '11 Essential Training Videos the second chapter caught my eye. I was estatic and ready to tell the world..."I, Stephanie Bivins, can now share my videos with the world!" Okay I know that is a bit cheesy, but really... that's how I felt. I have videos of friends and family that I want to share. The ability to import from tape-based camcorders into iMovie will now provide me with that opportunity.

This was one of the first thing that I learned in the first 10 minutes of watching this training. I can only imagine what I will learn over the never 3 hours!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

BP2 iGoogle PLE

Here are screen shots of my iGoogle Homepage!! 

BP3 Game Classroom

While searching for a Web 2.0 application to potentially use within my classroom I ran across Game Classroom. Games in the classroom were more of a treat for students in the past, but now they can actually play an integral part in the learning process. This site can be easily accessed. Parents and teachers alike can sign-up quickly and simply for the newsletter offered by the site. 

Within the article are tips for success at many grade levels. An article I found useful and one that I plan to use in my classroom on Meet the Teacher Night, was the article Tips for 5th Grade Success (Game Classroom, 2009). This article explains 5 tips to helping 5th graders adjust such as writing book reports in reading, learning to do research, fractions and decimals in math, the amount of homework the students may see, and standardized test prepping (Game Classroom, 2009). These are some are the questions many parents have on that first day. This article could be useful in getting prepared for what is to come.

    Game Classroom is a tool students can visit to receive addition support in Math and Language Arts. For example, teachers can recommend the site for additional support on certain skills taught within the classroom. The site even informs parents and teachers of the prerequisites needed in order to successfully complete the activity. The homework help offers sample problems, learning tips, online resources, extra help problems, and Games that can be use to reinforce the skill. In this age where gaming is the highlight of a student’s life… why not incorporate that into learning!

Screen shot taken from http://www.gameclassroom.com/

Game Classroom. (2009). Tips for 5th Grade Success. Game Retrieved August 4, 2011 from http://www.gameclassroom.com/article/tips-5th-grade-success

Monday, August 1, 2011

BP1 Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my world...

Well not exactly a "world", but more of an inside look at my thoughts on my CBR Capstone project. If you are not a Full Sail student and you are reading this... cool. You have no clue what I am speaking of, but no worries you are still more than welcome to indulge.

To my peers..."et tu Brute"... you too are on this journey, in your own direction, but a journey none the less into the unknown world of having your skills of creativity and educating explored and critique by our professor. I open my blog to any comments and constructive ideas in helping me to improve. It is my belief you can never be the best unless your best is questioned and you have the gall, the courage, the strength, and the confidence make a stance in your art and understand that you can never top out; there is always a lesson to be learned.

Happy Reading...